The 9th seminar on “Loss and Damage Fund – Where Are We Now”, as part of PAFO, FFD and AHA, UNFCCC Seminars, was held on April 15, 2024. It was focused on “Loss and Damage Fund – Where Are We Now?”
Participants was Update on the Loss and Damage Negotiations and its significance for smallholders and how to use weather information to verify disasters and/or losses.
✅ Mr. David Kaluba, In-country NDC focal point, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment – Zambia
✅ Mr. Juhana Hyrkkänen, Director, Weather, Sea and #climateservices Centre from the finnish meteorological institute.
The realization of the online seminar series is supported by AHA, through its program on “Strengthening Farmers’ Organizations” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). PAFO is hosting the seminars for African FO while WFO will ensure access to the recorded sessions beyond Africa.