A vibrant, prosperous and sustainable African agriculture that ensures food security and sovereignty, including socio-economic and cultural development.
The international economic environment today is characterized by a continued decline in food production for export despite a marked improvement in quality. This downward trend is now exacerbated by:
The adoption by Europe and the United States of agriculture from tropical countries with large-scale production that competes with African products while benefiting from subsidies despite the agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) ;
The heavier debt of African states vis-à-vis financial institutions and donor states quasi-dependence on the import of food that is not produced or produced in minute quantities in Africa;
The pressures on African natural resources, aggravated by the depletion of these same resources in the North and even by the cession of land to foreign multinationals if not to foreign countries;
The decline in the rural workforce due to the mass exodus of young people in search of El Dorado.
Faced with such a situation, it must be recognized that it is impossible for Africans to build sustainable agriculture that is competitive on the international market. Building Africa’s agricultural development in this way on possible exports and external markets in no way guarantees that we can meet the challenges of feeding the populations of the continent and ensuring them a correct and sustainable subsistence.
Modernity must give priority to the food sovereignty of Africans with regional agricultural policies based on family farming.
PAFO therefore calls with all its wishes for a vision that frees Africa from famine and malnutrition with a perspective of a modern and sustainable type of agriculture that is able to fulfill economic, social and ecological functions. the creation of wealth, the preservation of family and national solidarity, and the equitable and sustainable management of natural resources. This new type of agriculture must guarantee adequate and stable incomes and decent living conditions for family farmers and smallholders. It must produce a surplus for export and contribute significantly to the national creation of wealth; in addition, it must provide healthy food to national and sub-regional populations.
PAFO’s vision aims to restore dignity to African peasants, producers and citizens within the framework of a development that respects African values and culture.
Food sovereignty of populations and nations is crucial, and it should not be subject to fluctuations in world markets or international institutions.
Integration into regional markets and the adoption of coherent policies in favor of production, communication and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as the convergence of prices and taxes, will provide lasting solutions to the food deficit.