The FO4ACP program is a global support program for Farmer Organizations in ACP countries with the overall objective of increasing the income, improve livelihoods, food and nutrition security for organized family farmers in target areas of ACP countries. The FO4ACP program is the result of a joint effort and consultations among all Stakeholders in Africa based on the results and experiences from the implementation of SFOAP program. With the support of IFAD, PAFO and Agricord decided to adjust the FO4ACP program, co-funded by ACP-EU and IFAD, in order to provide urgent responses to the impact of Covid-19. It is in this context that the FO4ACP continuity plan was developed, in consultation with the partners. The COVID-19 crisis will give way to a global economic crisis that will overwhelm already weakened agricultural and rural development sectors on the one hand and reduce development funds on the other. The partners intend to anticipate the consequences that would inure to the African farmers’ organizations by developing a strategy and an action plan for strengthening and reviving FO4ACP activities. The project allows to measure the situation of Farmers and agricultural businesses during the crisis and to analyze at both national and regional levels the impact of COVID19.
The Implementation started in September 2019 while as for now the 2020 FO4ACP annual working plan is in the progress of implementation. Under the FO4ACP program, to name some, PAFO has developed its institutional capacity by establishing headquarters and recruiting its staff. Also, PAFO produced its communication strategy while the institutional and financial manual in being finalized. In terms of Knowledge management and advocacy, PAFO carried out a study on the impact of the COVID-19 and two mini-documentaries were produced on the same topic. All publications on COVID-19 vary from the impact to responses on the field to come up with the identification of gaps that needs stakeholder’s intervention.
Despite the progress made by PAFO, due to the COVID-19, activities that require physical gatherings like rural women forum and other events delayed for the 2021 annual working plan.