The Pan-African Farmers’ Organisation Exchange Platform, started its sessions, in June 2023, with exchanges and learning between the members of the National and Regional Farmers’ Organisations, members of PAFO. The first sessions was moderated by ROPPA, and focuses on “Lobbying & Advocacy”. A topic covered in three separate sessions involving a great numbers of FOs from all over the continent.
1- Introduction to Advocacy :
2- Political Analysis & Simplified tool
3- Intergenerational dialogue on the participation of women and youth in processes of political influence :
The Panafricain FOs Exchange Platform, a project set up by PAFO in partnership with Andreas Hermès Akademie (AHA) and AgrarKontakte International (AKI) e.V., to strengthen the Capacities of #FarmersOrganizations, with the financial support of Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)