The 4th online seminar on negotiation processes within the UNFCCC, organised by PAFO-WFO, FFD and AHA, was held on 25th August 2023. It was dedicated to “The “Loss and Damage”.
Speakers: Camilla More, is an IIED researcher and expert on global climate law, governance and an experienced advisor to the Least developed Countries at UN Climate change Negotiations; Gabriel Kpaka, a meteorologist and climate negotiator from Sierra Leone with extensive experience on the negotiation processes and the relevance of Loss and Damage at the national level.
Moderator: Noora Simola, climate and forestry expert of Food and Forest Development Finland (FFD)
PROGRAM Opening of the seminar, Noora Simola, Climate Expert/FFD Loss and Damage in the UNFCCC, Camilla More, researcher and expert/IIED Loss and Damage – National perspectives, Gabriel Kpaka, meteorologist and climate negotiator Group discussion – breakout rooms, facilitated by Noora Simola and Tiina Huvio Plenary/Q&A Closing of the Seminar