Women in leadership positions are invited to join a capacity-building program, where they come together in groups of 20 to go through an intensive phase of training, peer-to-peer learning, and exposure. This is followed by a tandem coaching phase of several months. A final event will highlight the achievements of the program and ensure the women gain visibility as role models.
This project is implemented with the support of the German Association of Rural Women- (Deutscher LandFrauenverband. dlv), AHA network partners from Germany, who offer the involvement of women leaders from Germany for exchange and mutual learning.
The first round of this program brings together 20 rural women, (15 from the African farmers Organization and 5 members from dlv) from 8-12 Mai 2023 in Kigali.
Both projects Women Farmers’ Leadership Program and “Pan African Farmers’ Organization Exchange Platform” are implemented with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)