PAFO attended the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2024 (GFFA), held under the banner of “Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World!”. The event was held from 17 to 20 January 2024 in Berlin, Germany. GFFA is an international conference on central issues of vital importance to global food and agricultural policies. It is organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in cooperation with the Berlin Senate and Messe Berlin GmbH.

The forum offers a wide range of events that provide an international audience of experts from the worlds of politics, business, science and civil society with the opportunity to discuss and reach consensus on the issues and challenges related to global agricultural policy and food security. GFFA, is around 2,000 international guests discussed the food systems of our future and how to collaborate even more closely to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and to realize the human right to food at a variety of events.

PAFO was very active through the participation of its Chairman, Mr Coulibaly, and its member networks in various expert panels, high-level panels and high-level debates.

The PAFO delegation used this global gathering as an opportunity for meaningful discussions, exchanges of ideas and strategic collaborations to address the crucial challenges facing agriculture. The leaders are committed to amplifying the voice of African farmers on the international stage and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

PAFO was also present, with a stand set up in collaboration with AHA. The German Minister for Agriculture visited the stand, where the Pan-African FO Exchange Platform was showcased. The platform is a project set up by PAFO, in partnership with AHA, to build the capacity of POs, with the support of BMZ.